View Profile qwerty741


Joined on 1/18/12

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964 / 1,110
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5.20 votes
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> 100,000
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3m 10d

thank you?

Posted by qwerty741 - August 6th, 2024

i'm not sure when or how it happened exactly, but i just realized i now have 50 fans, for some reason.

figured i'd make a post to "celebrate" this undeserved milestone.

i reckon being part of a couple projects as a playtester must have played a major role in increasing that number, but i don't really have any experience making games myself.

i'm just your average player, who happened to be playing a few games enough times to discover some bugs that went unnoticed.

the most i've actually contributed myself is making a couple guides for collecting medals but hey, at least i'm pretty decent at that?

i've received a few messages every now and then asking for help on that front, sometimes accompanied by apologies because "receiving random DMs must be annoying";

so i'd like to take this chance to re-iterate that i'm glad i can help others with their medal hunting endeavors, since that's the whole point of making guides for it.

feel free to send as many DMs as you like (assuming it's something i can help with)

anyway idk how to end this, so hope everyone's having a good day



I recon you are right about your involvement with games having something to do with it. It took me about 10 seconds to figure out the most likely source of your "undeserved" popularity: You care about games and write very detailed reviews. 121(!) of them, if the counter is to be believed. Even without playing any of those games I can tell that that kind of feedback is bound to be helpful for game developers.

Thank you for your hard work. A good chunk of those 50 followers will probably be developers who are eternally grateful for your continued efforts!

From personal experience I have learned that those kinds of reviews can become a magnet for "Could you test my game for me?"-requests. Look for indicators for how much "they" care, before you accept. It's easy to lose several evenings writing detailed PMs, just to get a "thanks" in return and see none of your suggestions realized and none of the bugs you pointed out fixed, once they submit their game. Some people just want to hear that their game is perfect - even in cases where the "game" is so bad it would be a gamble of it blammed before the moderation removes it for breaking the site rules...

My advice would be to have fun, but to be mindful with what projects you invest your precious time into. From where I stand, you are a gift to the Games Portal - and I'd hate to see you be driven away from it.