View Profile qwerty741

qwerty741's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 27,119 (From 3,146 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 597,695 Points

GOON: The Game!

Medals Earned: 10/10 (215/215 points)

Neck Pain 5 Points

Let Norris perform a GOONALITY on Doug Glatt

The Best Offense 5 Points

Block an attack

Merciful 10 Points

Let an opponent pass out on his own instead of performing a GOONALITY

Shirt Hurt 10 Points

Let Hunter perform a GOONALITY on Doug Glatt

Take A Dip 10 Points

Perform a GOONALITY on Norris

Enforcer 25 Points

Perform all of Doug Glatt's special attack moves

Ground N Pound 25 Points

Perform a GOONALITY on Hunter

Sliced N Iced 25 Points

Let Ross Rhea perform a GOONALITY on Doug Glatt

Goon God 50 Points

Defeat all of your opponents

Headhunter 50 Points

Perform a GOONALITY on Ross Rhea

gorby's awful traffic excursion

Medals Earned: 10/11 (310/360 points)

splatter 5 Points

he died doing what he loved

fulfilment 10 Points

score 100,000 points. gorby loves you

transcendence 25 Points

score 500,000 points. gorby heaven

gorbillionaire 100 Points

score 1,000,000 points. it's not a real billion but to gorby it is everything

stepcount 10 Points

run across da highway 25 times. get those steps in lil fella

hiker 25 Points

run across da highway 50 times. walking is good for tha soul

gorbamateur 5 Points

get a multiplier of 15. gorby is just getting started...

gorbfessional 25 Points

get a mutliplier of 50. now THIS is gorbin'

gorbologist 100 Points

get a multiplier of 100. this is to truly gorb...

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

marathon runner 50 Points

run across da highway 100 times. bakufu slump style

Gotta hand it to yah!

Medals Earned: 7/7 (135/135 points)

Thanks for playing! 5 Points

beat the game

Looking good! 10 Points

get a B rank or higher

Going for gold! 50 Points

get S rank

Okay then... 5 Points

chribas is ruined

Head in the clouds 50 Points

send a kid into orbit

Lucky stamp 10 Points

deliver mail to every mail box in a day

Dapper gentlemen 5 Points

give a top hat to every snowman in a day

Graduates and Gorillas

Medals Earned: 22/22 (460/460 points)

Creatures of Darkness, RISE! 5 Points

Start a game.

I Got One! 5 Points

Capture a GORILLA.

If I Had A Hammer 5 Points

Pick up the Golden Mallet.

BOOMshakalaka! 10 Points

Capture a GORILLA by passing the Golden Mallet.

Brist-Off 10 Points

Win the game.

Everyone Gets A Turn 10 Points

Have three GRADUATEs handle the Golden Mallet in one game.

Five-Minute Ting 10 Points

Win the game in five minutes or less.

Sole Survivor 10 Points

Win with just one GRADUATE.

Started For Ten 10 Points

Capture ten GORILLAs in a single game.

Two GORILLAs, One Mallet 10 Points

Capture two GORILLAs at once.

Valid-dictorian 10 Points

Win the game as Miles.

All Accounted For 25 Points

Win the game with no GRADUATE captures.

Old School 25 Points

Win the game playing under the Original rules.

Zero Body Count 25 Points

Win the game with no GORILLA captures.

Die Angry 50 Points

Win the game playing with the Aggressive die.

Triple Combo 50 Points

Capture three GORILLAs at once.

Feel the FOURce 100 Points

Capture four GORILLAs at once.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Grapple Whip

Medals Earned: 21/21 (500/500 points)

001 5 Points

Complete level 1

002 5 Points

Complete level 2

003 10 Points

Complete level 3

004 10 Points

Complete level 4

005 10 Points

Complete level 5

006 10 Points

Complete level 6

007 5 Points

Complete level 7

008 10 Points

Complete level 8

009 10 Points

Complete level 9

010 25 Points

Complete level 10

011 25 Points

Complete level 11

012 25 Points

Complete level 12

013 25 Points

Complete level 13

014 25 Points

Complete level 14

015 25 Points

Complete level 15

016 25 Points

Complete level 16

017 25 Points

Complete level 17

018 25 Points

Complete level 18

019 50 Points

Complete level 19

020 50 Points

Complete level 20

021 100 Points

Complete level 21


Medals Earned: 1/3 (10/85 points)

Climber 10 Points

Complete every stage

Conqueror 25 Points

Complete each stage under par time

Overachiever 50 Points

Complete each stage under Super time.


Medals Earned: 1/1 (25/25 points)

final vampire 25 Points

defeat the boss


Medals Earned: 6/6 (215/215 points)

4 Levels 5 Points

Complete 4 levels.

8 Levels 10 Points

Complete 8 levels.

12 Levels 25 Points

Complete 12 levels.

16 Levels 25 Points

Complete 16 levels.

20 Levels 50 Points

Complete 20 levels.

24 Levels 100 Points

Complete 24 levels.

Gravity Control

Medals Earned: 27/27 (500/500 points)

1 5 Points

Complete level 1

10 5 Points

Complete level 10

11 5 Points

Complete level 11

12 5 Points

Complete level 12

2 5 Points

Complete level 2

3 5 Points

Complete level 3

4 5 Points

Complete level 4

5 5 Points

Complete level 5

6 5 Points

Complete level 6

7 5 Points

Complete level 7

8 5 Points

Complete level 8

9 5 Points

Complete level 9

13 10 Points

Complete level 13

14 10 Points

Complete level 14

15 10 Points

Complete level 15

16 10 Points

Complete level 16

17 25 Points

Complete level 17

18 25 Points

Complete level 18

19 25 Points

Complete level 19

20 25 Points

Complete level 20

21 25 Points

Complete level 21

22 25 Points

Complete level 22

23 25 Points

Complete level 23

24 25 Points

Complete level 24

25 50 Points

Complete level 25

26 50 Points

Complete level 26

27 100 Points

Complete level 27

Gravity Den

Medals Earned: 20/20 (495/495 points)

easy 5 Points

collect 3 stars in "easy" level

just level 5 Points

collect 3 stars in "just level" level

tutorial 5 Points

collect 3 stars in "tutorial" level

flappy bird 10 Points

collect 3 stars in "flappy bird" level

just go 10 Points

collect 3 stars in "just go" level

upside down 10 Points

collect 3 stars in "upside down" level

down to depth 25 Points

collect 3 stars in "down to depth" level

first run 25 Points

collect 3 stars in "first run" level

fly away 25 Points

collect 3 stars in "fly away" level

follow the arrows 25 Points

collect 3 stars in "follow the arrows" level

hard level 25 Points

collect 3 stars in "hard level" level

i like to fly 25 Points

collect 3 stars in "i like to fly" level

labyrinth 25 Points

collect 3 stars in "labyrinth" level

open air 25 Points

collect 3 stars in "open air" level

platforms 25 Points

collect 3 stars in "platforms" level

tetris 25 Points

collect 3 stars in "tetris" level

blood much blood 50 Points

collect 3 stars in "blood much blood" level

christmas tree 50 Points

collect 3 stars in "christmas tree" level

run baby run 50 Points

collect 3 stars in "run baby run" level

the hardest 50 Points

collect 3 stars in "the hardest" level