View Profile qwerty741

qwerty741's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 24,446 (From 2,874 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 531,350 Points

An Amazing Soul

Medals Earned: 7/7 (320/320 points)

Arms 10 Points

Collect another artifact

Swords 10 Points

Ascend for the first time

Gems 25 Points

Find this artifact

Loops 25 Points

Discover this artifact

Claws 50 Points

Reach this artifact

Game Complete 100 Points

Take the longest path through the game

Hammers 100 Points

Trek to this artifact

An Epic Stickventure

Medals Earned: 21/21 (500/500 points)

Got A Sword! 5 Points

Finders keepers

A Most Idiotic Death! 10 Points

You jumped into the pit of nothingness and promptly killed yourself.. Yay!!

Axed! 10 Points

An axe kick just so happened to land upon yo foe-head!

Failcore! 10 Points

You failed and died in the first level.. dang man.

Got The Fire Gem! 10 Points

You got special gem that gives your blade special fire powers and stuff

Got The Flame Sword! 10 Points

The fire gem imbued new powers into your sword!

Got The Shot-Hook! 10 Points

Well... you got the Shot-Hook..

Take The Plunge! 10 Points

You jumped in the air gracefully and plunged into your enemy! Yay!

Chopped! 25 Points

You done got guillotined! To death!

Counter Slash! 25 Points

That dude was "slice!," but then, you were like, "SLASH-BAM-HAH!"

Electro-Kicked! 25 Points

You got electrocuted AND kicked at the SAME TIME!! Woo Hoo!!

Fire Slash! 25 Points


Fire-Balled! 25 Points

You were blown apart by a fiery fire-ball of doom and destruction!

First Slice! 25 Points

You sliced the first enemy! "SLICE!"

Hook Attack! 25 Points

The ol' kick-him-back-and-yank-his-head-off maneuver... A classic.

Impeccable Timing! 25 Points

You raised up the platforms and successfully crossed over the gaping gap of death..

Scorpion Slash! 25 Points

You were all like, "GET OVER HERE!!" -and then- "SLASH!!"

Spiked! 25 Points

You jumped into the pit of spikes! And without prompt! Bravo!! A truly inspiring performance indeed!

Zombie Smashed! 25 Points

You got your face smashed in by a zombe-stick! Oh noes!

The Ol' One-Two! 50 Points

You slashed both of the zombie sticks!!

Master Of Combat! 100 Points

You went toe-to-toe with the gold-masked enemy and defeated his every move! …most likely after many failed attempts, but still!

An Escape Room of Eggs

Medals Earned: 3/3 (40/40 points)

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Escaped the room 25 Points

A dream?

In room 5 Points

Start the game

Ancient Odyssey

Medals Earned: 30/30 (500/500 points)

Level 1 10 Points

Beat Level 1

Level 10 10 Points

Beat Level 10

Level 11 10 Points

Beat Level 11

Level 12 10 Points

Beat Level 12

Level 13 10 Points

Beat Level 13

Level 14 10 Points

Beat Level 14

Level 15 10 Points

Beat Level 15

Level 16 10 Points

Beat Level 16

Level 17 10 Points

Beat Level 17

Level 18 10 Points

Beat Level 18

Level 19 10 Points

Beat Level 19

Level 2 10 Points

Beat Level 2

Level 20 10 Points

Beat Level 20

Level 21 10 Points

Beat Level 21

Level 22 10 Points

Beat Level 22

Level 23 10 Points

Beat Level 23

Level 24 10 Points

Beat Level 24

Level 25 10 Points

Beat Level 25

Level 3 10 Points

Beat Level 3

Level 4 10 Points

Beat Level 4

Level 5 10 Points

Beat Level 5

Level 6 10 Points

Beat Level 6

Level 7 10 Points

Beat Level 7

Level 8 10 Points

Beat Level 8

Level 9 10 Points

Beat Level 9

Level 26 25 Points

Beat Level 26

Level 27 25 Points

Beat Level 27

Level 28 50 Points

Beat Level 28

Level 29 50 Points

Beat Level 29

Level 30 100 Points

Beat Level 30

Ancient Orb

Medals Earned: 3/3 (130/130 points)

Your First Purple Orb 5 Points

collect a purple orb

Your first green orb 25 Points

collect a green orb

Finish the game 100 Points

see "the end"

Android Boutique #1

Medals Earned: 2/2 (10/10 points)

all modes revealed 5 Points

you have reavealed the existing modes of this android

all voices played 5 Points

you have played all the voices for this android

Anger on the Street

Medals Earned: 10/10 (380/380 points)

Thanks 4 Play Medal 5 Points

Just Play Anger on the Street

Carebarro Medal 25 Points

win first 4 levels

Choricero Medal 25 Points

Found the Choricero Sculpture

JuanSantaMaria Medal 25 Points

Found Juan Santa Maria Sculpture

Peaje Medal 25 Points

Found the Peaje

Trabajador Medal 25 Points

Found the Worker Sculpture

Bacteria Medal 50 Points

Found the Green Bacteria before it goes

Bayle Medal 50 Points

win first 8 levels

DesCastro Medal 50 Points

Found Castro the Pooper leader

Colera Medal 100 Points

Win all levels

Angry Bees

Medals Earned: 2/2 (150/150 points)

Like a Boss 50 Points

Kill final Robot Boss

Pistol Passion 100 Points

Win game by only using Pistol

Angry Faic Shooting

Medals Earned: 11/13 (200/400 points)

Time Out! 5 Points

Time out of The Game.

Score 10 5 Points

Shoot to Angry Faic's 10.

Score 20 5 Points

Shoot to Angry Faic's 20.

Score 30 10 Points

Shoot to Angry Faic's 30.

Score 40 10 Points

Shoot to Angry Faic's 40.

Score 50 25 Points

Shoot to Angry Faic's 50.

Score 60 25 Points

Shoot to Angry Faic's 60.

Score 70 50 Points

Shoot to Angry Faic's 70.

Score 80 50 Points

Shoot to Angry Faic's 80.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Score 90 100 Points

Shoot to Angry Faic's 90.

Score 100 100 Points

Shoot to Angry Faic's 100.

Animal Crossing: Collect!

Medals Earned: 5/5 (150/150 points)

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!