View Profile qwerty741

qwerty741's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 24,446 (From 2,874 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 531,350 Points

Strewn Runes

Medals Earned: 17/17 (310/310 points)

Round 1 5 Points

Round 1 completed.

Round 2 5 Points

Round 2 completed.

Round 3 5 Points

Round 3 completed.

Round 4 5 Points

Round 4 completed.

Round 5 10 Points

Round 5 completed.

Round 6 10 Points

Round 6 completed.

Round 7 10 Points

Round 7 completed.

Round 8 10 Points

Round 8 completed.

Round 9 25 Points

Round 9 completed.

Round 10 25 Points

Round 10 completed.

Round 11 25 Points

Round 11 completed.

Runes Unstrewn 50 Points

Beat the game.

Orblobber Victory 25 Points

Beat the game with the Orblobber deck.

Randomer Victory 25 Points

Beat the game with the Randomer deck.

Rumbler Victory 25 Points

Beat the game with the Rumbler deck.

Slasher Victory 25 Points

Beat the game with the Slasher deck.

Summoner Victory 25 Points

Beat the game with the Summoner deck.

Stuat's Isle

Medals Earned: 4/5 (110/110 points)

You Win 25 Points

You Won the game

Round 10 10 Points

You Reached Round 10! In Survival

Round 15 25 Points

You Reached Round 15! In Survival

Round 20 50 Points

You Reached Round 20! In Survival. Wuau!!!

Suarez Bite

Medals Earned: 4/4 (40/40 points)

Bite 5 Points


Expelled 5 Points

get expelled

time's Up 5 Points

time's Up

Win the Match 25 Points

Win the game

Subsist Baddies

Medals Earned: 7/7 (170/170 points)

bearB 10 Points

Defeat a bear baddy

birdB 25 Points

Defeat a bird

bottB 10 Points

Defeat a robot baddy

coinB 25 Points

Get a score of 2050 or more

frogB 25 Points

Defeat a frog baddy

hyperB 25 Points

Get a 5 baddy combo to go into hyper time

endingB 50 Points

Finish all 10 waves


Medals Earned: 13/13 (500/500 points)

Four Minutes to Midnight 5 Points

solve a puzzle b/w 3 and 4 minutes time

Total5 5 Points

Solve 5 puzzles

Done-zo in 3 Minutes 10 Points

solve a puzzle b/w 2 and 3 minutes time

L1 10 Points

Solve all puzzles from L1

Total10 10 Points

Solve 10 puzzles

Total15 10 Points

Solve 15 puzzles

L2 25 Points

Solve all puzzles from L2

Total20 25 Points

Solve 20 puzzles

L3 50 Points

Solve all puzzles from L3

Made it in 2 Minutes 50 Points

solve a puzzle b/w 1 and 2 minutes time

In a Minute 100 Points

Solve a puzzle in less than 60 seconds

L4 100 Points

Solve all puzzles from L4

Total40 100 Points

Solve 40 puzzles


Medals Earned: 7/7 (500/500 points)

40 25 Points

Solve 40% of the grid!

50 25 Points

Solve 50% of the grid!

60 50 Points

Solve 60% of the grid!

70 100 Points

Solve 70% of the grid!

80 100 Points

Solve 80% of the grid!

90 100 Points

Solve 90% of the grid!

Sudokuban! 100 Points

Solve the entire grid!


Medals Earned: 3/3 (85/85 points)

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Sumo Rhythm Game

Medals Earned: 3/3 (40/40 points)

Try Again 5 Points

You can do it! Once more!

Ok 10 Points

Alright, but you can do better!

Superb 25 Points

Great rhythm!

Sumo Surfer

Medals Earned: 1/1 (10/10 points)

Surf School Graduate 10 Points

Finish surf training

Sunflower Showers

Medals Earned: 3/3 (80/80 points)

Rainfall Rookie 5 Points

Reach stage 10 of growth (half way there)

Sunflower Superstar 25 Points

Beat the game

Helianthus Hero 50 Points

Beat the game in under 4 minutes and 20 seconds