controls take a bit of getting used to and sometimes there's a few bugs with respect to clipping into the ground, especially on the colony level.
i also cannot for the life of me figure out how to do any damage to it; it mentions you need to roll up the heads and throw them "somewhere", but throwing them at other bugs, throwing them into lava pools, or even letting them being hit by the sunlight doesn't seem to do anything. i'm kind of lost tbh.
the chester level (in its entirety) is absolutely maddening. i honestly don't know how i even beat the race portion myself because i was pretty much next to him, and the first time i was in that same position i lost. feels more like a 50/50 so i'm glad you're not required to do it all over again for the boss fight.
had trouble at first trying to hit him at all in the first phase because he keeps moving around erratically but after toning down the camera a bit it's more consistent.
however i'm having a lot of trouble with the last phase under 100hp. the ice spikes especially seem to sprout out from pretty much any direction (even behind you) seemingly out of nowhere, and dodging doesn't actually seem to give you any kind of invincibility aside from simply "jumping away quickly" from your previous position.
the random snowballs from the audience also don't help because you can easily dodge them, except if you dodge into spikes you still get hit, and once you're juggled you can keep taking damage multiple times in a row, without even being able to touch the ground.
i honestly can't find any room to roll up a single attack without having to emergency dodge immediately after, much less to line up a shot
EDIT: found a bug on the colony level. apparently you can re-trigger an already defeated anthill by rolling a sand ball with a head on top of it, and it depletes the hp bar.
however, the stage still doesn't end until you actually defeat all 6 separate anthills, regardless of the hp bar. so the "boss" health is technically irrelevant on that stage.
also the game sometimes won't lock the mouse to the game window, which makes the fights impossible. seems like it has different glitches depending on which browser it's played on?