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can someone explain how you're supposed to play mina miner? i understand the rules but i barely have enough time to type a few letters before getting overrun by magma. the best i managed to do was something like 8, and that was with good rng and button mashing

edit: i guess i'm just impossibly terrible at it. i don't even know what a "speed boost" is, since by the time my brain even recognizes the first few letters showing up i'm already dead.

larrynachos responds:

My technique is to let 4 or 5 blocks build up and the do them all quickly, her speed boost is compounded.

that hint system is a godsend. i didn't even realize you could get interactions while sitting so i was stuck at barely over 70 for a while

Frenchie14 responds:

Glad to hear it! You're one of the first to use it!

i don't really understand what criteria you use to choose the various options. it feels like they assign points at random?

edit: both parts are confusing honestly.
i can't tell whether they need flagging or not because i'm not sure if i'm checking the title, missing description, if i'm to assume they're being ironic/edgy or not.
i got ace on the first part randomly by not flagging anything, so i guess i had good rng there, but it's still confusing,
second part is the same but more confusing because not sure if i have to use the same icon that's already posted (if it's there), if i need to choose based on the video playing either way, and again if it needs flagging or not

made a guide for this because i spent way too many hours of trial and error figuring it out;
didn't want all that work to go to waste:

Little-Rena responds:

Depends on which part, in the first part, you just need to say if it needs an icon or not (unless it needs flagging!) and in the second part, you need to decide which icon to use, or flag, and in this part you need to make sure the icon is related to the goofy animation, you want to avoid cut off text on an icon, and you don't want it to be bent out of shape.

i'm glad that the loading screen at least showed the increasing numbers this time, so at the very least i can tell it's not just a black screen.

i'm not sure if i can say anything about the difficulty of the puzzles since most of them (along with the general setting) are very close to the original riddle school so i already came in half knowing how to solve them. aside from the first password puzzle (the solution of which i still consider to be a real stretch) i found them pretty straightforward.
another thing to note is that you can tell the environment is identical to the original riddle school, but not much thought was put into how those rooms should be used for the purpose of the game. as a result, the cafeteria can be entered but serves no purpose to the game since there's nothing to be done in it.

in regards to bugs (if you can call it that) some work could be done on how speech bubbles are handled. personally i'd think it would be much better if you didn't have to click directly on them to proceed. also clicking on a different interactible object will bring up its reaction even in the middle of interacting with something else (the previous interaction will be stopped midway).

unrelated to the game, but i figured i'd mention that you should paragraph your description at the very least, since i didn't even realize the link provided was a walkthrough at first because i didn't bother trying to read through the wall of text.

RubixDude10 responds:

Thanks for telling me all this. I'll try to fix the bugs you mentioned in this game. I'll fix it for this game and then make sure everything works in the sequel. I'll try to be more original next time with the map design and try to give every room a purpose, well not every single room like the hallways but I'll try to add something.

the maze is really difficult.
after having to restart it twice because the whole teleporting thing kept getting me lost, i decided to just hug the right wall and that worked out. still faster than trying to navigate it legitimately.

larrynachos responds:

You could almost say it's... agony.

Thanks for the review!

i really like the idea of seeing multiple people running around mazes. it's neat.
btw is the last maze even possible? jumpscares aside, it's literally a black screen.
how is anyone even supposed to know if they're even walking into a wall or not, much less navigate it?

edit: after looking it up i managed to get WebGL to work on chrome, and the light circle shows up. thank you for the quick answer.
though i still could do without the jumpscares every 5 seconds or so lol

larrynachos responds:

Your browser doesn't support webgl effects. There's a circle of light that's supposed to follow you around and reveal the maze to you

the scorpio and the angie medals requirement are switched (getting 10 angies gives you the scorpio medal, getting 10 scorpios gives you the angies medal);
the game itself is pretty fun

Omael responds:

Thanks. Will look into it. Check back later to unlock the missing medal


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