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there's a glitch, probably due to an update:

map fragment 9 is currently impossible to get:
- you can't access the mine path in backstage mode;
- in discover mode, you need all three characters to access the mine path;
- after accessing the mine path, only one character can die in the hole before the sequence that gives access to fragment 9;
- if penny is alive, you're forced to follow penny who fell off the bridge, missing the path with the fragment.
- if penny dies in the hole, steve prevents you from taking the path with the fragment.
you can't have steve die in the hole because you'll then be forced to follow the penny route, skipping the path to the fragment entirely

also it seems like there's some weird problem with the medals for "character X survived" registering. i cleared the game multiple times but only managed to get them to unlock them in specific instances. could be an issue on my side

btw thank you for changing the arcade game, the original one was painful with the one pixel perfect impossible switch taunting you

edit: i guess i need to figure out how to get steve caught in segment 3. so far every option i picked got him shot in the head where he stands.

edit 2: nvm i just needed not to stab him so he could actually catch up to me

Tanooki81 responds:

Actually the fragment 9 can be only get in Backstage Mode. To access the mines way in BM, Steve needs to be caught in the segment III. Then keep them alive until seg IV. Done! Now you can take the mine route. To get the fragment 9, Steve need to die in the hole so he won't stop Rafe to go down the stairs later (and, as you are in Backstage Mode, the game will never force you to follow Penny's POV). Try it again and if you still can't, please report it to me then I'll check it

ok so, update on hard mode.

i managed to clear hard mode, but game crashed on the third boss, so i had to do it again because it didn't save the medal.
it would have been absolute pain, if i didn't accidentally discover a bug: as long as you don't refresh the page, you can press esc on the main world to return to menu, then play game to resume without losing progress; long story short, you can clear the first two bosses on normal mode, then switch to hard mode only for the last boss. might want to get that fixed somehow.

in regards to bosses, the first boss is considerably harder, between the disleveled floor, increased speed and density of the attacks, which makes them harder to dodge.
though none of these compare to the difficulty that the white orb alone poses by simply existing. it's much faster, you have to constantly dodge it and it lingers for an insane amount of time. honestly that one change alone is what makes the first hard mode boss difficult, everything else simply locks you out of movement options while you're trying to avoid the white orb.

the second boss is probably the hardest of the 3 by a large margin. the missing floor is pretty annoying because you have to watch out your movement just to not get damaged, but the boss itself seems to have 3 different jump speeds and frequency of jumps that sporadically change between attempts, which make its movements wildly unpredictable.
however, phase 2 and 3 are simply unfair. you're already limited in your movement options by the missing floor, so you don't have many opportunities to deal damage, but then when the small window to attack shows up, you still can't do anything because you get damaged by the spawning bullets.
even if you just end up running away, you still get hit because you either jump and get hit by oncoming bullets, or don't move and get hit by the boss. and if you move and don't jump you fall and still take damage.
in the end i was forced to get the double jump upgrade and get to the 3rd phase on full health just to damage boost and get enough hits in, otherwise it's nigh impossible.

i can't really comment on the third boss, since i always cheese it by not moving from the spawn point and just timing my jumps. having double jump due to the previous boss also made it insanely easy, so there is virtually no difference between the easy and hard mode of the third boss, which makes the glitch to clear hard mode that much more appalling.

if i were to grade the difficulty of each boss (relative to each other), it would be:
1st boss (easy) - 3
2nd boss (easy) - 7
3rd boss (easy) - unranked
1st boss (hard) - 12
2nd boss (hard) - 20
3rd boss (hard) - unranked
for real, the second boss is such BS compared to the other ones.

the reason for the 3rd boss being unranked is that you can clear either one without moving, which removes the difficulty caused by spikes and the missing floor entirely. honestly i'm not sure how difficult they would be if i had to jump around while avoiding obstacles, but as they are now they're about as easy as the first boss on easy mode.

still some issues with the sporadic black screens out of nowhere, although it's not as annoying depending on whether the hard mode glitch gets fixed or not. honestly if i didn't discover that i would have never bothered trying to get the medal again, the second hard mode boss is too hard (too many lingering bullets; their slow speed makes it so different layers of bullets stack and form a wall as the boss moves towards you, so you can't really jump past it without getting damaged)

TwistedFW responds:

Wow! I really appreciate this review! Honestly. There are a lot of valid points here. I feel like the third boss is very interesting to find out about. The spikes on the ceiling were supposed to deter the player from standing in one spot. But it seems you have bypassed that, or, I suck at placing spikes lol. The second boss (Hard Mode) actually was doable for me and I thought it was actually too easy tbh. But I will take the time to nerf them. The third boss will most likely be changed to have another form of attack (similar to the white eyeball) to deter you from standing. This will of course also means that the number of spikes will decrease in the stage or they might get removed entirely. The black screen issue I am still not sure of. I've tried everything to fix it. The only thing I could think of, at this moment, is the game is crashing at a certain point. But that can't be true if you can exit back out. At the very least you can do that to solve the issue for now. The white eyeball seems to be the deadlist of all enemies however lol. Everyone so far has said it's been a problem. It seems I fixed it for easy mode but I will see what I can do for hard. Thank you again for reviewing my game again!

the premise of having to find the clothes yourself is original, but there's a few bugs here and there:

- if you place the white roses on the dress before completing both sleeves, the roses disappear and you're locked out of getting the sleeves for dress 2 unless you restart the game;

- for dress 3, i had trouble getting it to register as completed although i had all correct pieces already on; for good measure i reset everything after completing each outfit, but that didn't help.

the way i managed to get it to trigger was by completing the outfit, then adding the second necklace, then removing it. after removing the necklace it triggered the completed outfit, but i have no clue why that worked. just putting it out there

Edeshye responds:

Just fixed the bugs. Thanks a lot for pointing out!!

the last jump at the end of the cave has a closed pit, so you need to refresh if you fail that jump.
it should probably be a bottomless pit, or add a refresh button in case you end up somewhere you can't get out from

UntitledGames responds:

I forget that while creating the game,thankyou for reporting that.

what's the secret medal? i was thinking it had something to do with clearing the game quickly but i got flawless in 214 seconds and that wasn't it.
not sure if i can do much better than that

edit: as a matter of fact, i did realize you could trigger the serpent and the raven at the same time, but i simply assumed it was a bug, not a feature.
i managed to softlock myself: if you trigger the raven, you can trigger the serpent during the raven fight because it's close to the fighting area.
if you defeat the raven and then die, the game saves in a state with the sky serpent triggered, and if you die it will continuously kill you as it circles around your respawn point.

edit 2: turns out the serpent can be triggered with either of the other two, because it doesn't have an area delimiter like the other two.
if you trigger the old one, you can get it to punch the serpent in the face, which is much faster than defeating it normally. might try for a faster time knowing that

edit 3: with sky serpent skip and no deaths, cleared in 74 seconds.

as a side note, if you defeat the sky serpent with the skip and the old one, without dying, and then you fight the raven, the camera stays zoomed in and locked in the location where you triggered the fight (camera doesn't zoom out, and stops following the player character. the fight works as normal).
dying during the fight prevents this from happening (dying to the old one after defeating the serpent) or fixes it (dying during the raven fight makes the camera for the subsequent fights work as normal); dying before the double boss fight is irrelevant in regards to the bug.

tl;dr defeating serpent and old one at the same time without dying (during the fight) causes a bug with the camera if you leave the raven fight for last

OmarShehata responds:

Have you tried getting one of the gods to fight another?

Edit: Thanks qwerty741! Yes I can reproduce that bug as well, don't have a fix for it yet.

found a bug with the jukebox. if you pick the "silence" track, then go back during the animation of the disk being insterted, the game freezes. tried the other tracks but it only happens with this one

for the yeti game, sometimes some cones completely overlap other cones (to the point that they look as if they didn't appear at all), so you have no way to clear the level because you end up collecting them out of order (or you can't even tell if they exist in the first place);
also the game freezes if you press z to restart too quickly after being prompted

btw is there a guide on how to unlock all costumes? i'm pretty sure i logged in every day but i'm still missing 4 costumes from the 2020 submission and an additional 3 costumes from the 2021 submission
(i believe i missed the 1st day both years, so it's possible 2 of those are accounted for. not sure about the other 5)

GeoKureli responds:

4 costumes are restricted to certain players

Phonometrologist responds:

The "bug" you found is intentional. “Without music game would be a mistake.” -some German guy that people like to misquote.

i love touhou but i still suck at it. i barely managed to get on the last stage on easy using all continues and still lost, but that's just part of the course.

heads up that there's issues with the bomb mechanics:
for one, you can't bomb while in focus (could be an issue with keyboard not registering focus, shoot and bomb all at the same time, idk)

also i think you aren't immediately invincible when bombing, or it could just be me being bad at timing, but it's worth checking out

Dogtopius responds:

I think that's a keyboard issue since I can do it fine on my end. I will also buff the bomb invulnerability too, since it seems that right now it is not enough. Thanks for playing!

i just got baited into clicking spacebar 1000 times. good game. 9/10 because spamming spacebar is pain

Apple952 responds:

Glad that you liked it! Thanks for playing!

i think the game itself is ok, it's still more playable and responsive than some games here so that's good.

some critique:
- it's nice that the hint system is on by default, but personally i find it to be mandatory regardless. size and hue color are shades, and since the objective of the game is to get them exactly, having a number to guarantee that you got it is pretty much necessary. can't imagine getting even one point without the hint system.

- the timer is just enough to make it challenging, which is helped by the fact that you can get only one of the two counters exactly right and just scroll the other one until it goes over the correct number. basically as long as you get one of the two numbers right, you get the second one as a freebee. this is nice since having a system where it takes a second to register both correct numbers would be unfair against the timer counting down

- given the nature of the game (changing a value to be exact), there's an issue with the controls. the current ones are fine for what they need to achieve, which is change the values quickly enough. the issue comes with having to change the values by units. i kept quickly clicking back and forth because i kept changing the values by 2 instead of only 1, which is what i needed.
maybe add a separate control which lets you change each value by a single unit. maybe some control that, while it's held, lets you use the normal controls to increment/decrement only by 1? (i'm no developer so not sure how to achieve this, if possible)

anyway, not bad; though tbh the hint system alone is what saves the game from being a 0, otherwise it would probably be straight up unplayable

SplinterThePurple responds:

Thank you! :) I appreciate this review very much! I might try to work on these issues (especially the controls, as this is something that got me annoyed when playing the game). I think the separate control unit would be a great idea! Again, Thank you for this review.

is there any way to automate fire for the part where you need to clear the wave of enemies? i keep mashing the spacebar but there's so much stuff on screen that it doesn't register all my inputs and it just stops shooting while mashing. not sure if it could help but adding multiple shoot buttons so there's more chance to register the inputs might work? idk

the rest of the game was cool so i have no complaints about that but i have a hard time clearing the enemy wave because mashing spacebar sometimes doesn't shoot

SwiftVector responds:

There's no way of doing this in v1.0.0 unfortunately, but I had the idea of putting an auto-shoot option in General settings as an accessibility option so you can hold down space to fire - this is something I want to do when I make a patch.

As far as I recall there's no extra buttons for shoot other than a mapping to Right Trigger I think for game controllers. Adding Z and X as jump and shoot buttons is something I want to do in a patch, as well as just overall rebalancing that final level.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts! 🙂


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