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the 2-tile-wide mid-air tunnels on levels 13 and 18 are pain. if you know you know

this is basically rng the game, cause everything depends on whether you get a good seed or not.
using a trackpad certainly doesn't help with mouse only controls but i can see why they're needed.

for anyone going for an easy galaxy, 163826 903714 751206 is real easy if you can get past section 1

what's the secret medal? i was thinking it had something to do with clearing the game quickly but i got flawless in 214 seconds and that wasn't it.
not sure if i can do much better than that

edit: as a matter of fact, i did realize you could trigger the serpent and the raven at the same time, but i simply assumed it was a bug, not a feature.
i managed to softlock myself: if you trigger the raven, you can trigger the serpent during the raven fight because it's close to the fighting area.
if you defeat the raven and then die, the game saves in a state with the sky serpent triggered, and if you die it will continuously kill you as it circles around your respawn point.

edit 2: turns out the serpent can be triggered with either of the other two, because it doesn't have an area delimiter like the other two.
if you trigger the old one, you can get it to punch the serpent in the face, which is much faster than defeating it normally. might try for a faster time knowing that

edit 3: with sky serpent skip and no deaths, cleared in 74 seconds.

as a side note, if you defeat the sky serpent with the skip and the old one, without dying, and then you fight the raven, the camera stays zoomed in and locked in the location where you triggered the fight (camera doesn't zoom out, and stops following the player character. the fight works as normal).
dying during the fight prevents this from happening (dying to the old one after defeating the serpent) or fixes it (dying during the raven fight makes the camera for the subsequent fights work as normal); dying before the double boss fight is irrelevant in regards to the bug.

tl;dr defeating serpent and old one at the same time without dying (during the fight) causes a bug with the camera if you leave the raven fight for last

OmarShehata responds:

Have you tried getting one of the gods to fight another?

Edit: Thanks qwerty741! Yes I can reproduce that bug as well, don't have a fix for it yet.

found a bug with the jukebox. if you pick the "silence" track, then go back during the animation of the disk being insterted, the game freezes. tried the other tracks but it only happens with this one

for the yeti game, sometimes some cones completely overlap other cones (to the point that they look as if they didn't appear at all), so you have no way to clear the level because you end up collecting them out of order (or you can't even tell if they exist in the first place);
also the game freezes if you press z to restart too quickly after being prompted

btw is there a guide on how to unlock all costumes? i'm pretty sure i logged in every day but i'm still missing 4 costumes from the 2020 submission and an additional 3 costumes from the 2021 submission
(i believe i missed the 1st day both years, so it's possible 2 of those are accounted for. not sure about the other 5)

GeoKureli responds:

4 costumes are restricted to certain players

Phonometrologist responds:

The "bug" you found is intentional. “Without music game would be a mistake.” -some German guy that people like to misquote.

i got the max score and the game ended abruptly as soon as i hit it but it didn't save it. big sad

i love touhou but i still suck at it. i barely managed to get on the last stage on easy using all continues and still lost, but that's just part of the course.

heads up that there's issues with the bomb mechanics:
for one, you can't bomb while in focus (could be an issue with keyboard not registering focus, shoot and bomb all at the same time, idk)

also i think you aren't immediately invincible when bombing, or it could just be me being bad at timing, but it's worth checking out

Dogtopius responds:

I think that's a keyboard issue since I can do it fine on my end. I will also buff the bomb invulnerability too, since it seems that right now it is not enough. Thanks for playing!

the game does not actually save data, it only allows you to continue from where you left off if you go back to menu mid-game.

playing in newgrounds flashplayer doesn't let you play the game again after clearing it once (when you unlock powers), because as soon as you start a new game your character stops moving, you can't die by resetting, and you can't go back to the menu (you're permanently softlocked).

this doesn't seem to happen when playing in-browser with ruffle, so you can get the 4 post-game medals using that.

for some reason, the impossible medal doesn't always trigger correctly.
i only managed to get it after completing the game twice, then refreshing the page (which somehow saved my data), then going immediately for the secret tunnel.
i have no clue how that works

i just got baited into clicking spacebar 1000 times. good game. 9/10 because spamming spacebar is pain

Apple952 responds:

Glad that you liked it! Thanks for playing!

i think the game itself is ok, it's still more playable and responsive than some games here so that's good.

some critique:
- it's nice that the hint system is on by default, but personally i find it to be mandatory regardless. size and hue color are shades, and since the objective of the game is to get them exactly, having a number to guarantee that you got it is pretty much necessary. can't imagine getting even one point without the hint system.

- the timer is just enough to make it challenging, which is helped by the fact that you can get only one of the two counters exactly right and just scroll the other one until it goes over the correct number. basically as long as you get one of the two numbers right, you get the second one as a freebee. this is nice since having a system where it takes a second to register both correct numbers would be unfair against the timer counting down

- given the nature of the game (changing a value to be exact), there's an issue with the controls. the current ones are fine for what they need to achieve, which is change the values quickly enough. the issue comes with having to change the values by units. i kept quickly clicking back and forth because i kept changing the values by 2 instead of only 1, which is what i needed.
maybe add a separate control which lets you change each value by a single unit. maybe some control that, while it's held, lets you use the normal controls to increment/decrement only by 1? (i'm no developer so not sure how to achieve this, if possible)

anyway, not bad; though tbh the hint system alone is what saves the game from being a 0, otherwise it would probably be straight up unplayable

SplinterThePurple responds:

Thank you! :) I appreciate this review very much! I might try to work on these issues (especially the controls, as this is something that got me annoyed when playing the game). I think the separate control unit would be a great idea! Again, Thank you for this review.


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