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okay i'm just going to comment at this point because all the reviews with a 0 score are relatable, but none of them actually go into detail as to why, so i'll give my two cents.

for starters, the game itself gives literally 0 clues.
the only things you can try are:
- not inputting a password (says to provide one)
- inputting a wrong password (says the password's wrong)
- "i forgot my password" (you get laughed at)
none of which help you in any way.

it took the one person who somehow "solved" the "puzzle" to give some kind of process to actually get some hints, which required to "look at the submission tags" and follow the author comments explicitly telling the password is 8 uppercase characters.

to reiterate, NONE of these are in-game hints, so the game itself does not provide any way to solve the puzzle, at all.
also, the original "clues" were:
- "can you believe it", which is about as useful as any other simple phrase in the english language as a clue (that is, not at all).
- "what lies beneath", which redirects me to some horror movie or book series i've never heard of (neither of which were related to the password).

i'm prefacing with this because after the author went out of their way to update said tags, it took one single google search to find out the actual movie the NEW quote is from, which has nothing to do with the previous ones, in any way.

i haven't given much of a look at what's AFTER getting past the login screen (but from what i've seen it's probably going to stay just as unsolved as the original problem so i won't bother bashing my head against it), but i really wanted to explain just how aggravating the whole process was.

simply put, the game isn't hard, just badly designed.
it's a puzzle with no hints, so it's pretty much a brute-force check.
i'd say in its current state it's just as unsolvable as it was before, since the game itself has not been changed whatsoever (only the tags have)

p0tterindy responds:

two words



EDIT: i've figured out what was making the game completely unplayable on my side, so now i can run it "properly".
it still has some random hiccups every now and then (which does get annoying when it makes you miss important jumps), but i still managed to get S rank on all the courses.

the roll mechanic works fine, except the ball randomly decides to go sideways instead of straight.
i understand it's directional influence, but sometimes it still happens even when i literally don't press any direction.
it feels really bad when you're doing the same thing every time and getting different results (especially when it gets you killed).
jumping is also really finnicky, and dependent on running speed in an overly precise manner.

level 3 on hard is COMPLETELY RANDOM: you literally only have to run up and then time your jumps without pressing anything else; and yet it never works.
sometimes you jump and it speeds up, sometimes it slows down.
other times you straight up plummet to you death before reaching the next platform as if you didn't gain enough speed.
i swear the ball doesn't even land on the platforms proper, it just bounces off walls until it randomly decides it can't do that anymore.
all of these, from doing literally the same thing over and over.

i also have a personal grudge against hard 6. that whole level is just "do the thing in one go or die trying".
you need to go full speed, jump way before the end of the platform (otherwise you'll fall off the next platform), then hold full down and right to follow the path AND make sure you have enough speed to make the second jump.
once you're on the other side, if you stop you won't be able to get enough speed to cross the last gap, and if you miss the boost pad you also won't make it. it's really rough.

the hard course in general is really volatile because most jumps rely on you either keeping the ball perfectly straight through multiple curves, or very strict timings.
i was struggling to get under 3 minutes thinking it was barely possible, and then ended up getting much less than the required time for S rank simply because i got extra lucky and somehow only died once the whole time (don't even remember where. i was sure i died a lot but the endscreen says otherwise).

the pillbug movement is still the most annoying thing ever because you want to hold back out of panic but end up walking forward and falling into pits.
it's the game distinguishing feature so i wish it wasn't the worst part of the game.

someone asked, so i recorded myself getting S-rank on medium and hard
medium course: www.youtube.com/watch?v=YgRzhTsidCU
hard course: www.youtube.com/watch?v=bW77_LkaZKI

i wish it would have also recorded the stuttering i experienced while playing, but i suppose it doesn't show because the whole pc is affected, so the recording itself is no exception.
if i randomly stray off instead of going straight, i'm not doing it on purpose;
the ball seems to have a mind of its own sometimes so it's really difficult to keep it steady.

for level 5 on hard specifically: the door is supposed to open as soon as you get the key.
in my case it takes 2 or 3 laps before it opens because of lag, which messes with my jump timing a bit since i have to guess when the door will actually be open.
if sometimes i slow down before reaching a door (like for level 12 on medium), it's because i don't want to bash my head against a closed door that's supposed to be open and end up bouncing back into a pit.

StaggerNight responds:

Not sure why its chugging for you so much. There are downloadable options of the game if you want to keep playing it in steam and itch. Those are always gonna be more stable.

kaiakairos responds:

all the new update did was add 2 more frames of coyote time lmao

waltz 3 is absolutely insane and i have no idea how anyone thought it's even remotely reasonable.
i somehow managed to find a configuration that let me barely make it in time, but my fingers were moving faster than i could even register the pattern with my brain.
the only way to physically make that time is through muscle memory. it's that insane.
(for actual tips, i solved it by having the left two keys binded to Z and S. the idea is that you press them both as if it was a single button, with Z taking priority on the single press because it's closer. bind the right 2 to any other two keys, then you alternate between the two).

double tap is also BS for a different reason.
to register two individual key presses, you need to able to release the key before the target time. it's not about how fast you can press it twice, it's that you can't press it any faster than that. it's honestly sheer luck.
i didn't even realize i somehow managed to clear it and ended up doing another bunch of retries. after i gave up and took a break, i came back to the next level already unlocked.

the last pattern was pretty cool, because it's multiple different patterns, and they don't oeverstay their welcome by repeating a million times. wish the whole game was more of that and less waltz 3

couple things about the game mechanics.
during the early game the rent feels like it ramps up way too fast (this is particularly noticeable while attempting the "against the system" achievement).
i understand it's balanced around upgrades, but unless you get really good upgrades early (sell for more, or shop open for longer) it's really dififcult to get the snowball going.

the real problem with the game imo is that there's way too much "dead time", where you're just moving around without it being helpful towards your goal:
you're already on a strict clock, and between having to run around to collect material, going back and forth making individual ingots, and to a minor extent having the furnace so far away from the counter (you always need to use the furnace so the extra travel time impacts the total customer patience meter), makes it so you feel like you never accomplish much in a day.

one mechanic that really needs an actual explanation is "mineral recycling profit";
i haven't pinpointed the exact specifics, but i get the gist of it:
if you collect every single material in excess, at the end of the day a certain amount of all your ores gets "sold" automatically, which nets you extra income before being cut down by the rent.
this ends up being relevant for the no-upgrades run (especially on day 6) where customers don't always show up and selling only gives you 1 coin per item, so you're better off just spending the whole day mining, and maybe sell something if there's remaining time and customers once you've cleared out everything.
do note that you need EVERY material in excess to benefit from this. if even one of them is at 0 or too low, you won't get anything from it, and on day 6 you unlock 2 new ores that are way deep below the surface, so you REALLY need to dig to make it past that day.

the only problem with this mechanic is that it forcibly removes ores from your total inventory, which means you can't just hoard ores for subsequent days (to minimize time spent mining to prioritize selling).
you can choose to only focus on collecting the ones you need so it won't trigger, but that means you get no bonus money from the recycling system.
still haven't been able to figure out what affects the "bonus profit" at the end of the day, even after fully clearing the game.

assuming you manage to get the snowball going, and buy out all upgrades, the only rng holding you back depends on which recipes you roll;
during endgame there's a total of 11 different ores (let's say 1 is coal, 11 is diamond. gold is 7).
the recipes are (ordered by increasing value? not sure about the last few):
- 1+2
- 2+3+4
- 5+6+7
- 3+8+9
- 4+7+10
- 6+8+10
- 2+8+11
assuming the first 2 recipes stop showing up during endgame (or aren't worth enough), you can see that 8 (blue gem) and 6,7,10 (ruby,gold,emerald) show up more than other ores.
the tricolor gem also uses three of those at the same time, which means they naturally end up depleting faster than other ores.

from my own experience, i could still replenish enough emeralds while collecting diamonds, although they're pretty deep.
the sapphire is used in 3 recipes so it needs to be replenished fairly often, but i had more trouble with ruby and gold because they show up around the same depth, so they contend space with each other (meaning you end up finding less per day than you would other ores, overall).
i ended up starting each day by clearing out the ruby/gold level right away, and then replenishing diamonds/sapphires while i'm not busy selling. just some food for thought in regards to balancing.

extra note: interacting with the counter, while holding an ingot, if no one's at the counter, throws the ingot away. not sure if it's intended, just putting it out there.

pabten responds:

HI thank you so much for taking your time for this review i hope you have enjoyed our game šŸ˜

We did change the balance on early let me know if that helps to the snowball

Your balance anotations are really helpful we'll let you know if we change something about it
Thank you for your feedback!

ok i have to make an updated review because finding out there's twice as many upgrades is like playing an entirely different game. that's how much of a difference it makes.
DISCLAIMER: i've only played easy mode (it's the easiest to grind for money and achievements), so it may not be entirely accurate on higher difficulties.

i honestly believe i wasn't the only one who didn't realize the other upgrades existed (except the one person who bought them all), and all the game needed was a couple UI arrows to show you can scroll the upgrade menu vertically.

the biggest game-changer is the luck stat, which makes grinding for money sooo much less of a chore.
before, i needed to reach about floor 50 just to get a couple thousands coins;
i had to grind the game for hours to "max out" all stats that way (which turned out to be only half of them), which was an excruciatingly boring process.
with maxed out luck, i'm pretty convinced enemies drop coins 100% of the time (even if it's not stated anywhere), sometimes even 2, which means you can potentially earn anywhere between 5 and 100 times the amount of enemies you defeat in a run.

they also drop a lot more hearts (which are counted separately from coins; a single enemy will always drop a coin and ALSO have a chance to drop a heart at the same time).
not only does this make grinding upgrades more user friendly, but it also helps with reaching higher floors.
i basically had to force myself to die to end the run, so i'm sure if anyone cared for it they could reach a much higher floor than the current top score no problem.
haven't played any difficulty higher than easy, but i hope the heart drop rate is much lower on those, otherwise the entire difficulty curve goes out of the window because it's virtually impossible to die with max luck (at least on easy mode, up to floor 50).

i legit do not believe anyone has found the luck stat before, because with no other upgrade outside of luck (on easy mode), i got the invincible achievement by floor 25, and when i reached floor 50 (having defeated almost exactly 1000 enemies, just enough for the achievement), i easily had 200+ hearts and 10000+ money, in a single run.
the crazy thing here is that this was always possible (it's not like the latest update added the second layer of upgrades), as the only thing added was an easier way to show those upgrades existed in the first place.

the sword is arguably the best weapon in the game when used correctly, especially on higher floors.
it doesn't attack far compared to actual "ranged" weapons, but it's AOE is big enough where you can hit multiple enemies at a time, even around wall corners.
to make up for its lack of range, it has the unique trait of being able to repel enemy projectiles.
this only happens when a bullet physically comes into contact with the actual slash animation, so it gets better with improved attack rate (which happens to be one of its upgrades).
its damage output is ok but it's irrelevant since you can also attack with reflected projectiles.

what's really notable about the sword is that when you get a high enough attack rate bonus, it effectively becomes an impenetrable barrier which makes you completely impervious to "direct" damage. any and all projectile will be reflected back, so you can just stand with your back to a wall and watch as the enemies helplessly shoot themselves to death.
its weakness is that it only reflects projectiles in front of you (your back is completely exposed), and rocket explosions will damage you all the same, so if one hits a wall close to you, or you reflect a rocket towards a close enemy, you'll still be caught in the explosion and take damage.

maxed out rifle is just a solid weapon overall; probably the best ranged weapon in the game, especially on easier difficulties.
it shoots a constant and fast stream of bullets, which is useful when you're trying to hide near a corner and you need to quickly dispatch a row of enemies on one of the sides.
it feels like it has the longest range of all weapons, so as long as you can clear out the area around you at the start of a floor, you can probably clear it without even seeing a single enemy.
its only drawback is that it has "weak" damage output, but with high enough fire rate it goes almost unnoticed (especially past floor 15 when you're guaranteed to get some kind of bonus to both damage and fire rate).

don't have much to say about the shotgun, which is unfortunate because i kind of liked it starting out.
on easy it already kills with no upgrades, and the upgrades simply increase its spread and number of bullets, so all it really improves on is the amount of enemies it can hit at once.
it pretty much fills the same niche as the rifle but with a lower fire rate, so it feels like a "worse" version of it.
after trying both the rifle and the shotgun on hard mode, to test whether the increased base damage of this one makes it better overall (due to facing tankier enemies), i can say that neither can oneshot them without at least some floor bonuses, so imo the rifle is still better (though i suppose it's down to personal preference).
only case where i prefer the shotgun over the rifle is on the early floors of insane (since there's no upgrades), where killing enemies earlier does make a difference.

i'm quite happy with the new and improved rocket launcher, since it's not only a liability anymore, and it actually has its own niche.
i always hated rolling it in the weapon rotation before the most recent change, because i had to constantly worry about not killing myself while using it, and increasing its explosion range only made that more likely.
it has a slow fire rate, it's hard to actually hit the bullet, and when it did the explosion didn't even deal enough damage to kill an enemy.

i still think it's likely the worst weapon out of the 4, but at max level the explosion range covers like half the screen (for reference, if you're behind a square barricade, you can shoot into it and the explosion will hit all the way to the opposite side of the wall), and it actually kills stuff too thanks to the damage upgrade.
moreover, i don't have to worry about dying from shooting myself anymore, if i suddenly switch to it while near a wall or enemy (thank you for that btw).
it's great at crowd control, provided you actually land the shot (you can now also aim at a nearby wall to make it easier, without being damaged for it).

i would also like to add that the enemy rocket launcher seems affected by the explosion range upgrade as well, unless it was just that large in the first place.
i'm saying this because i've seen entire clusters of enemies being hit by an enemy stray explosion in the crowd (or when they were nowhere close to the explosion), and i'm not sure if this is intended behavior or not.

not sure how that happened considering the changes don't mention anything about enemies, but something messed with the balancing somehow.
i think it has something to do with enemies not being able to be attacked off-screen.

the game tends to slowdown a lot whenever you're engaging in battle. previously it would be almost constantly in slowdown because gacha units would target an enemy and relentlessly attack it until it died (even offscreen), so it seems the idea of not allowing this was some kind of soft-fix for the lag issue.

however, most of your money intake ended up being from offscreen battles, because either enemies attacked less frequently when offscreen, or units would not get damaged, as you'd get streams of coins coming in from offscreen consistently, while your army stayed alive.
meanwhile now you can only battle on-screen, so you can only collect money if you're actively in battle (where you can see it).

the way coins get collected also seems to have been nerfed, as the ones that spawn on the opposite side of where you're standing won't get magneted towards you unless you walk towards them (effectively halving money gain from battles).
they also don't seem to be collected even if you're close, if they don't have "sight" on you (if they're around a corner and there's a building in the way).

blue lobsters also severely need nerfing, as they can decimate your entire army in seconds (even if your units bar goes offscreen) and more often than not even survive the whole assault before your entire army is destroyed. couple that with only half the money gained, and you pretty much can't even see the 100k rent anymore, much less overcome it.
just some food for thought

squidly responds:

Iā€™m considering undoing the change. Yes it makes the game more stable but it also messes with the high scores. The other option is re-balancing and making a new high score table, but it might be too late for that?

i'm just going to wait for someone else to solve these.
i liked the original one because, despite enemies being all over the place, you could instinctively understand the intended path to perfectly solve a level.
they were spread out just enough to lead you in a pre-determined direction.

meanwhile, you can tell these were user-generated as enemies and bombs seem to be spread out pretty much everywhere.
you know there's SOME path to clear almost everything, but there's no clear direction of where you should go in the first place, to the point it's a hunt to even find the goal to clear the level.

i'm sure they're still good and well thought-out (to an extent), but randomly bashing my head against the wall until something sticks isn't quite my cup of tea.

EDIT: decided to give it a proper try, so here's all i managed to get:
- 1: 1400/1400
- 2: 7800/7800
- 3: 30900/24900
- 4: 9100/6000
- 5: 6300/3900
- 6: 10600/10600
- 7: 14600/14600
- 8: 9500/9500
- 9: 5800/5800
- 10: 17400/17400
- 11: 8600/7900 (apparently skipping the whole level IS the intended way to get gold on this. smh)
- 12: 13600/13500 (turns out there's a gimmick with one of the gun guys; they're supposed to shoot you on sight, except one of them doesn't trigger when you get close to it, which i'm not exactly a fan of. the intended solution also doesn't combo every enemy, which is extra weird)
- 13: 21000/21000 (the only way to clear this without a guide is to cheese the level tbh. jump+uppercut right at the start to get on the wall above you, then jump and mash dive so you bounce off the first enemy and then don't go out of bound. should end up right behind the goal, then punch forward)
- 14: 21100/21100 (this level is just insane even with a guide. every jump is way too precise with little time to process what's going on)
- p1: 2200/1800
- p2: 3000/2500
- p3: 19200/19200
- g1: 9600/9600
- g2: 11300/11300
. g3: 7000/6500
- k1: 2100/1500 (not as bad as it looks, if you know what to do; which you normally don't)
- k2: 4800/800 (there's a pixel perfect jump for extra points. besides the one to reach the goal)
- k3: 800/800 (the nerf made this so much better. i actually had fun finding completely unintended ways to go through, and there's lots of them)

EDIT 2: i would like to formally apologize to the creator of the levels i was missing.
while at first simply watching the intended solutions felt daunting, after attempting them (for a long time) i can say i did have fun clearing them (in hindsight), although i'm not sure if it's because some of them got nerfed.
for future reference, knowing the intended path makes all the difference, because i can't imagine anyone ever figuring out how to solve most of them (14 in particular) without knowing beforehand.

i recently moved the recordings that were sitting in my filedump to youtube because of the supporter update.
it's the same recordings as before so don't expect anything professional, but at least they should be more easily accessible now that there's no need to download all of them if you want to check out just a few of the solutions

ProsciuttoMan responds:

I'm glad you appreciate the K3 edit: I agree, the original was far too brutal. With K2, I think its kinda fair to keep the balloon ninja, since it forces the player to learn about The Kid's short hop, but I think the beginning of K3 was way too restrictive originally.
The original level's strange design left room for a lot of unintended shortcuts, and I thought it'd be cool to kinda lean into that aspect more: I feel like it fit pretty well especially with I Wanna Be The Guy being sort of a Metroidvania game lol.
I believe there were at least 3 routes that I assume were unintentional in the original level. I took note of that, and decided to make it more apparent and feasible for the player: so at least 3 of the routes are very much intended haha.

updating my review because all the bugs i encountered have been fixed, so i need something new to type. just putting down a couple things i found while playing the game for future reference.
in order of priority:

all the medals seem to have been fixed; at the very least, i haven't encountered any issue with them so far. however, it's weird that there's no medal for defeating Elderoth. (it was probably the second scorched groove medal that got removed)

in regards to the save system, it seems to work properly between sessions.
once you beat the game, continuing locks you into the ending cut-scene;
this likely happens because the game is coded to auto-save whenever you approach the altar in the middle of the main hub, which is where the ending cutscene takes place (you can tell because, when continuing, it doesn't start from the beginning of the cutscene, but from the second half of it).
basically, once you beat the game once, you can't continue from where you left off, which is pretty upsetting if you want to do something else in the current save without having to play from scratch.
(for the record, the game also auto-saves after releasing the seal of kalasdrine, once you've already been teleported in the cervus boss fight arena. so solving the cutscene save alone won't help with continuing from the previous save)

you can't re-enter rooms with bosses (main bosses) after defeating them (probably to prevent being stuck in the boss room, or having to re-fight them).
because of this, the hirunga lore book is missable (the one in the top boss room).
another funny this is, because the corridor to the boss in the pits is not blocked off, you can just walk past it and go out of bounds, though there's not much going on there since it's all void.
EDIT: you CAN re-enter bosses rooms after defeating them, but you need to defeat all 7 of them.
(before the final boss, when the lightning effect is active in the main hub area).

the goroth book respawns, even if collected properly (the one on the bridge on the left side with all the enemies)
the (third?) key in the main hub area also respawns after being collected properly.
EDIT: the book stops respawning. not sure of what causes it (collecting the cinnder book, or any other book afterwards may stop it from respawning once collected).

weird interaction with the hammer: you can't dodge while you hold the hammer (which also means you can't run).
if you switch to your gun, hold space to run, then switch to the hammer while holding space, you can run with the hammer out.
while i understand not being able to dodge because the hammer is broken, i wish i could at least run while holding it without having to do it via gimmick, if nothing else because it is still possible.

beating the game WITHOUT purifying the sword seems to lower the wall to the holy tower of ainn. it also doesn't trigger the seal in the previous room.
that means you fight providence in the regular ending, and cervus in the purified ending.
providence seems to have been completely reworked since the time i fought it by walking through walls.
there's a lot more bullets and the boss has enough health where you can't just cheese it by tanking its attacks. it's actually a really difficult fight, good job with it.
however, you CAN cheese the cervus fight; the boss has so little hp, i can basically 2-shot each of its phases with the shotgun alone (with no upgrades), without even seeing any of its attack patterns (you can defeat it faster than most of the regular bosses, because of end-game scaling probably)
i reckon a little (a lot) hp boost may be in order there, especially considering it's supposed to be the harder ending to achieve.

i also found the skull ring. funny easter egg, although not yet implemented.
gameplay tips: the shotgun has AMAZING burst damage; it entirely depletes your energy bar on use, and deals damage proportional to the energy consumed. for that reason, it's better to think of your melee weapon as a way to refill your energy for the gun, rather than using it to deal damage when there's an opening in the boss pattern. it's just THAT good.

you can dodge in place (press spacebar without moving).
this is useful if you want to just mash attack against an enemy that is going to do a single attack against you, that would force you to move away then dodge back in. (examples being secarta's gun attack).

because of "later update syndrome", defeating Heart of Corruption grants you double energy bar, while defeating Sheregon grants you the ability to "bomb" (screen-wipe bullets).
because of how significant both of these upgrades are, it's recommended to defeat either of these bosses as soon as possible (if able to) to make the game significantly easier.
defeating Kraol also gives 2 more max hp, which isn't as significant but always helpful.
defeating Cinnder gives an upgrade to the sword block ability. it's only relevant if you're using the sword as a melee weapon, but it's there if you want it.

if you defeat a non-main boss, but you don't collect their dropped item, it will be auto-collected when you leave the area, so you don't need to worry about missing any of them.
you can press ESC to pause the game and check your inventory; you can't see how many items you've collected, but as long as you're holding at least one, you can read their description.

once you're on your way to the corrupted ending, you can still pivot to the purified ending if you purify your sword before fighting the final boss.
however, once you've purified your sword, you can't go back to the corrupted ending unless you start from scratch.
for that reason, the corrupted ending is potentially more difficult to achieve than the secret ending (on top of the corrupted ending boss being much harder imo)
keys locations:
- room to the right of the moving platforms section in the underground dungeon;
- top area (dead valley), to the left of the bonfire before entering the mid-boss room, on the left side of the castle walls there's an opening that leads to an area with the key;
- on the top right side of the ramparts in the main hub there's a watery area with a destructible pile of something; destroy it to reveal the key underneath.
(the pile may be unbreakable, and i believe you need to use specifically the hammer to break it)

evil core locations: 5 total (of potentially 12)
- right above the stairs that lead to the ramparts on the right side of the main hub area;
- room above the moving platforms section in the underground dungeon;
- bottom room in the pits, after defeating Ill'Maggoth;
- bottom room in the sanctum, after defeating Goroth (before the room with the statue);
- in the middle of the blood dungeon, right below the main entrance (from the graveyard).

cursed ingots locations: 10 total (only 9 necessary)
- defeat Cathralon.
- defeat Crucible of Shadows (Dark Crucible).
- defeat Ill'Maggoth.
- defeat Goroth.
- defeat Elderoth.
- on the ramparts on the right side of the main hub area. bottom side of the stairs.
- below the entrance to the left side area (bottom left of the main hub), in the middle of a circular alcove.
- above the lake to the top right of the main hub area, on the right side of the stairs that lead to the top area (dead valley).
- bottom right corner of dead valley (top area), near the campfire after the bullet trap.
- on the right ledge outside the entrance to the blood dungeon.

lore books locations: all 14
SECARTA - rightmost room in the blacksmith area.
CATHRALON - on the right side of the castle wall in the top area. there's an entrance in the bottom right corner (of the wall) that can only be accessed when approaching from the right side of the area.
HIRUNGA - bottom right corner of the old temple of ainn, above dead valley (after defeating cathralon).
DARK CRUCIBLE - (top) left area (kingdom ruins), below the spinning blades trap.
RAKUL - bottom area of kingdom ruins (after the spinning blades, before dark crucible), in the bottom left between 4 rock pillars.
CURSED GROWTH - top right side of dead valley (top area), in the top left corner of the ruins with a lamppost in the middle.
SHEREGON - top right corner of the main hub area, right before the entrance to the boss room.
KRAOL - right before the entrance to the blood dungeon, at the very end of the blood pool on the right side (bottom right of the graveyard).
CINNDER - left side of the sanctum, in front of the large statue.
ILL'MAGGOTH - above the entrance to the left side area (top left of the main hub), near the campfire.
ELDEROTH - top right corner of the (bottom) right area (graveyard).
HEART OF CORRUPTION - left corridor in the pits, after defeating ill'maggoth.
THRAXXAN V - on the ramparts on the right side of the main hub area. top side of the stairs.
GOROTH - (bottom) left area (bridge of the horned one), between the statues with laser eyesight.

very easy cheese strat to beat bosses if you're really bad at the game:

- equip the hammer and the shotgun (friendly reminder you can't dash while the hammer is equipped; you need to switch to the shotgun if you really want to dodge/run)
- hold left click;
start with the shotgun (entirely depletes your dark energy), then press E to switch to the hammer. after 3 hits (up to 5 with double length energy bar), your energy is fully replenished. switch to the shotgun. rinse and repeat.

you can move if you feel like dodging but it's mostly unnecessary.
just tank everything and hold left click, while staying as close as possible to the boss when using the gun.
switch to the gun when you have enough energy for extra burst damage.
might get one heal in if you feel like it since you can heal while attacking.

this easily melts most of the bosses (on normal mode) with little effort, even with no upgrades
(i have no idea what the upgrades do lol)

the game is fun, although most of the in-depth mechanics don't really see much use.
the controls mention momentum, punch juggling and downward shooting, but at the end of the day you're using your bullets mostly to deal damage, and your jump only when in need of dodging (without giving much thought about its height or momentum).
one thing that i don't see mentioned anywhere which i believe is far more useful, is the fact that you can double jump, which helps a lot with repositioning mid-air.

i'm also not a fan of the way difficulty was increased for spicy:
on top of adding more bullets between attack patterns, the tells for each boss action are way shorter (at least, short enough where you can't react the same way as you can on easier difficulties).
individually they're fine, but put them together and you're constantly being bullied from one side of the screen to the other with barely room to breathe.

since you get infinite checkpoints between the two levels (if you die on the boss level, you can restart from the boss level without having to go through the previous gauntlet), it doesn't make much sense to be forced to play "basic survival" every time before the boss level.
would have been interesting if there was a hub where you could fight each level individually, and maybe that could give the option to implement more boss levels?

no-hit run (on chill difficulty, where you can actually react to boss attacks):


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