oh man, this has been updated a whole bunch since the last time i played it. time for the big rant:
for starters, you can actually lose against the boss in the tutorial area, and if you do, you don't get a second chance.
you get thrown directly into the main game either way and i think this is bad considering the first boss isn't particularly hard, and losing against it means you still don't have enough of an understanding of the controls.
also once you enter the main hub, the second boss statue from the left is missing already. i'm assuming this is the tutorial boss? (haven't looked at it when i lost against it, only after restarting my save and beating it, so i'm not sure if it was there when i lost)
speaking of the controls (and i think i'm alone in this tbf), can we have the movement controls to explicitly state "shift" instead of showing the button? for some reason i didn't realize that was meant to be shift, and ended up only discovering the dash ability accidentally at about the 4th boss, while misclicking my weapon rotation.
i was used to the previous versions of the game where you "dash" by mashing dodge (which is still better than normal dashing imo because you get invincibility frames), so i didn't see a need to have a separate dash button.
to reflect this addition, the dodge mechanic has been reworked to consume your energy whenever you dodge (at least, i don't recall it requiring energy in previous versions).
if you run out of energy, you can still dodge (which is good), but i don't really understand the use in having it drain your energy then? is it to incentivize using dash instead of mashing dodge, so you can save energy for parrying/shooting?
the energy mechanic has also been reworked. now when you run out of energy, a black ring appears around you (which is a much needed visual indicator for it).
the ring also acts as a "screen clear". this means you can parry until you run out of energy, then use the black ring to destroy even more bullet, which is really useful to create more openings against some of the bosses.
speaking of shooting, i've never found myself using the gun pretty much for the entire game.
the energy consumption is too fast, and you'd still rather save it for parrying rather than ranged damage (which can still be done with the sword after upgrading).
for that same reason, i put all my upgrades into the sword (i'm assuming you'll be able to upgrade both to the max if other minibosses get added).
the gun still seemed to get upgraded anyway by the time i got to the end-game.
btw great idea adding an upgrade system at the forge, real neat.
since the shotgun upgrade has been integrated with the gun (by right clicking), now the dungeon awards you with an extra weapon, which is the hammer.
at first i didn't see the use in it since you can neither dash nor dodge (oof) while wielding it, but eventually i realized the extra damage is actually really nice, and it can help melt some of the bosses real fast (more on that later).
it actually took me a while to figure out the secondary attack of the hammer, which requires holding right-click to store energy, then release right click for a large shockwave.
i kept charging the attack but then pressing left click thinking it would "double my normal damage", which instead cancelled the attack.
the difficulty for the bosses is still all over the place, though that's to be expected due to the upgrade system.
i don't know if it's me, but i felt like all the bosses i tried to face had massive amount of hp (or took negligible damage for how much i was wacking them), so it took me a whole hour before i managed to defeat my first boss (which was the top one), and then afterwards another hour to complete the game, but the first hurdle is really rough.
your weapon seem extremely underpowered, until you upgrade the sword like 2 times and then you have both ranged attacks (with no energy consumption) and a consistent way to heal your energy for parrying (and also extra damage? or maybe that was just me getting better at the game).
the way i finally managed to "get started" was realizing you can just brute-force the north and north-west mid-bosses with hammer.
you just stand close to them and keep mashing left click while face-tanking whatever they throw at you.
you can also heal while attacking for one more hp (which isn't much but it's better than nothing), and then use those 2 upgrade points to power up your sword.
the most annoying bosses were definitely the dragon in the north-east (as per usual, which somehow got even worse than it was before) and the swordbearer in the south-east (which was the last boss i defeated, before the final boss).
i ended up having to mostly brute-force the dragon with the hammer because god knows how you're supposed to actually dodge any of its attacks (idk it seems faster than even my dodge speed), and then the sword guy has a BS attack that covers the entire screen (first left side, then right side immediately after) for a shit ton of damage, which i could only get past by screen-wiping once i got the ability to (by pressing 2).
i actually like how the final boss has been changed to be harder (especially the laser part which was just free damage before with all the room to walk around).
all it needed was some bullshit massive attack that you need to screen-wipe to survive, and a second phase with "release of the id" + "super-ego" lol
speaking of upgrades, healing is also something that wasn't there before. the max total hp you get from defeating all bosses has also been reduced (probably to complement this addition). personally i find it somewhat annoying, because its recharge time feels really slow for only one hp. i feel like it would be better if it had a faster cooldown (30 instead of 40 seconds) or it healed 2 hp instead of one (so even if you get hit mid-heal at least it's worth something).
another new thing that was added is the whole "purifying the sword" quest. it seems like you need to find 3 keys, then the crystal to purify it.
i'm actually not sure where one of the keys was, but i must have gotten it accidentally?
i found one in the dungeon, and one on the left side of the map of the top mid-boss.
the crystal was on the lower side of the west mid-boss, past that annoying gauntlet of traps (btw the fact that spike traps deal 3 hp instead of 1 like every other attack feels real scummy imo. not sure why that's a thing).
even after collecting them, if you re-enter an area you can still "collect" the keys (they don't disappear).
once you beat the bosses, you also can't re-enter their areas, unless it has some collectible in there.
i'm assuming this is the case because i can re-enter both the top and left area even after defeating every boss, but only up until the mid-boss (which is where the key was).
i can re-enter the top-left mid-boss area, so i'm assuming the third key was there, but i still never found it even after looking for it (assuming it would still show up like the other ones even after collecting it).
i did get some weird rock thingy i never figured out the use for, by destoying some skeleton that was in the bottom right of the main hub, but i don't think that was the key.
i think i've done pretty much everything that's available (beat all bosses, upgraded my sword to the max, purified it, got that weird skeleton stone) but i still have not figured out how to "get a companion", or how to get the secret ending, so there's clearly something i'm still missing.
now for the bug report section:
funny thing really; you can actually walk through walls on any map in the entire game.
when your healing power is available (not on cooldown), hold 1, and while holding it mash dodge in the direction you want to move.
you can basically go through any wall, even during boss fights.
while it is not especially useful against bosses (since you can't attack them from the other side of the wall) unless you want to spend a million hours healing (which still isn't reliable because some bosses "fly" over walls), it's especially useful to get past that annoying gauntlet before the left mid-boss, or completely bypass the dungeon area (there's actually some kind of closed off debug room in the top right of the dungeon which can't be accessed otherwise. though it's just some corridor with bullet traps)
that's about all i can think of.
still an amazing game btw, i just wanted to give my recount on the new update
EDIT: once you beat the final boss, if you continue, you can re-fight each boss.
once you beat a boss, it locks their area again.
if you enter a different area then walk back to the map, you can re-fight the bosses again (it's not locked off anymore).
mid-bosses don't respawn, probably to avoid them dropping more "upgrade stones".
if you enter the dungeon, then exit the dungeon, you'll respawn on the square where the final boss is located, immediately booting you in the final boss area. thankfully you can just walk out, but it's still something that happens.
once you get the upgrade that gives you pillars when you parry, you have infinite energy generation because whenever you activate and de-activate parry, the pillars destroy themselves and gives you energy.
this means you can shoot you gun to your heart's content (as long as some energy remains to summon the pillars), switch to sword then spam parry to instantly heal all energy to max
i also realized it's likely that the areas that are still accessible aren't the ones "where you find the keys", but simply the 3 mid-boss areas, which just happened to also be relevant for collectible purposes
ended up finding a guide online:
seems like the companion is in a secret area in the bottom right of where you find the crystal that purifies your sword. you need the stone from the skeleton to recruit it, and it seems to sometimes appear randomly to aid you in battle.
one of the keys is apparently tied to beating the tutorial boss, meaning if you somehow lose that fight you can't get it unless you restart the whole game again.
it also appears that the "secret ending" is in fact tied to beating the final boss before vs. after purifying the sword; though i somehow managed to get my sword purified right after beating one boss, so even though i did get the "secret ending", i guess it didn't count?
tried beating the final boss again, still with the purified sword. still didn't count.
my only guess is that the game awards you the "secret ending" medal only if you manage to beat the boss with the corrupted sword, and then with the purified sword (meaning getting both endings on the same save).
if you happen to get your sword purified before beating the game once, you're out of luck and are forced to restart the whole game again
edit: playing the whole game again, getting the corrupted ending, then the uncorrupted ending, does not award the medal.
you have to get the secret ending specifically on easy mode to get the secret ending medal.
also i can see now why the healing has such a long cooldown. on easy mode it's a full heal instead of only 1 hp lol