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got every medal except winning the game, which i would say is pretty much impossible; not sure how that one guy managed it.

basically the only meter that matters is the happiness meter. once that depletes it's game over.
you can be completely poor and tired at any time and it would be fine, as long as happiness is over 1.

right off the bat, you can gain happiness by sleeping, watching out of the window, painting or drinking. painting and drinking both require money.

you can only make money via working, and even then most of it is lost between the time you need to recover stamina between days. (ignoring the requirement for mashing, which makes it worse).

eventually, sleeping stops making you happy. if your happiness goes below 50%-ish at any point, you start being depressed, at which point looking out of the window also stops making you happy.

basically after you get far enough into the game, you can only gain happiness with money, and the rate at which you make money is always slower than the rate at which you recover happiness, which means a guaranteed game over.

all of this is only to survive. the actual objective is to completely fill your fame, which can only be done via painting or working (at max efficiency).

basically the only way to win would be to speedrun the game in a way where you prioritise your fame meter at all time, making sure your happiness doesn't reach zero before you eventually lose all your money and can't recover happiness anymore. honestly i have no clue how that's possible.

medal guide, because i felt like it:

(premise: assume the blue square is a 10x10 square. each square is assigned a number from left to right, top to bottom, in this order; you can use the pointer to gauge where each square is, assuming the center is the size of one square)

squicide: shoot the square anywhere;
squissed: shoot anywhere else (don't hit the square);
squaircut: shoot 1, 2, 11 or 12;
squo-ren ishii: shoot 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 or 18;
squerebral bore: shoot 9, 10, 19 or 20;
squinception: (squerebral bore), then shoot the brain that comes out before restarting;
squatever: shoot 21, 22, 31 or 32;
squats squore squike squit: (squatever), then shoot the square again anywhere before restarting;
squataracts: shoot 23, 24, 33 or 34;
squillottine: shoot 25;
squexecution: shoot 26;
squastigmatism: shoot 27, 28, 37 or 38;
sqrutal: shoot 29, 30, 39, 40, 49, 59, 60, 69, 70, 79 or 80;
squoughnut: shoot 35, 36, 44, 45, 46, 47, 54, 55, 56, (57), 64, 65, 66 or (67);
squircle: conditions unclear (you can get it by shooting between squares 57 and 67, but it's inconsistent and sometimes will result in (squoughnut) );
patience is a squirtue: (squoughnut), then wait for the heart to fall to the ground before restarting;
squart attack: (patience is a squirtue), then shoot the heart after it has fallen to the ground before restarting;
squeclipse: shoot 41, 42, 51 or 52;
squtilation: shoot 43 or 53;
squng lao: shoot 48, 58 or 68;
squeleton: shoot 50;
squll & crossbones: (squeleton), then shoot the skeletons's spine before restarting;
squandible claw: shoot 61, 62, 71 or 72;
squ're already dead: shoot 63;
squatality: shoot 73, 74, 83 or 84;
squasectomy: shoot 75, 76, 85 or 86;
piece of squake: shoot 77, 78, 87 or 88;
squrgeon: shoot 81, 82, 91 or 92;
square peg-leg: shoot 89, 90, 99 or 100;
sqevisceration: shoot 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98;

location based (some of these are particularly difficult to pin-point):

squartigo: shoot the floor right below the blue square, in the middle (squares 105 or 106);
squarshed: shoot the top of the screen, in the middle;
squrn victim: shoot the top of the screen, straight above squares 1 or 2 ( left of (squarshed) );
roadsquill: from the left side of the screen, shoot two squares below the middle line (from the line separating top and bottom sides, go all the way to the left and shoot the second square below it);
squffocation: from the bottom left corner, shoot the square that is 4x4 away from the corner (you can use the pointer to help finding the square; it has to touch both sides of the screen);
squarmageddon: (squffocation), then click anywhere on the screen before restarting;
squelton john: from the top right corner of the blue square (right side), shoot the 4th square on the right (place the pointer against the blue square from the right side, then move it up until the centre is lined up with the top row of the blue square);
squaricochet: shoot the square on the right side of the screen that is two squares below the blue square (starting from below the blue square ( see (squartigo) ), go down one square and all the way to the right side of the screen);
squoot squetish: from the top left corner, shoot the square that is 6 squares from the left, 7 squares from the top (placing the pointer on top of the blue square, move to the left until the pointer is away from the left side of the screen by two squares);

tips on germaphobe? hallways are too narrow to avoid people without bumping into walls multiple times

thank god for easy mode. starting from the first jump after the second cutscene it's basically mandatory. came back trying to get the last secret medals but after two identical playthroughs i have absolutely no clue, so i guess it's gonna stay a secret

edit: i'm gaming; can confirm the "true love" medal is obtained from clearing the game on normal difficulty.
turns out there's a difficulty spike right at the beginning of the game (after the cutscene with the spaceship) where all the jumps are considerably harder to land then the rest of the game, which is what put me off from attempting it, thinking it would only get harder (which was not the case).
even then, the checkpoints are plentiful and you get infinite tries at every jump, so it's really not as frustrating as i recalled it.

for anyone struggling at the jumps on the slopes:
simply walking down on a downward slope won't let you jump far enough, and sometimes will just eat your jump input.
to cross wide gaps, you have to directly land (from mid-air) on the middle or lower part of the downward slope and jump as soon as possible, as you will slide and jump farther than normal.
keep in mind that walking to the middle of the slope will just make you slide off, and most of the time you'll just fall to your death anyway because the controls are finnicky like that; wouldn't be surprised if i managed to perform this correctly once every 20 deaths.

if you want to stand on a slope without sliding off (for example, jumping toward an upward slope), landing on the top corner of the slope is the same as walking on flat ground; just be wary of your character momentum as it tends to walk off anyway, and the foodhold is overall small.

i'm glad that the loading screen at least showed the increasing numbers this time, so at the very least i can tell it's not just a black screen.

i'm not sure if i can say anything about the difficulty of the puzzles since most of them (along with the general setting) are very close to the original riddle school so i already came in half knowing how to solve them. aside from the first password puzzle (the solution of which i still consider to be a real stretch) i found them pretty straightforward.
another thing to note is that you can tell the environment is identical to the original riddle school, but not much thought was put into how those rooms should be used for the purpose of the game. as a result, the cafeteria can be entered but serves no purpose to the game since there's nothing to be done in it.

in regards to bugs (if you can call it that) some work could be done on how speech bubbles are handled. personally i'd think it would be much better if you didn't have to click directly on them to proceed. also clicking on a different interactible object will bring up its reaction even in the middle of interacting with something else (the previous interaction will be stopped midway).

unrelated to the game, but i figured i'd mention that you should paragraph your description at the very least, since i didn't even realize the link provided was a walkthrough at first because i didn't bother trying to read through the wall of text.

RubixDude10 responds:

Thanks for telling me all this. I'll try to fix the bugs you mentioned in this game. I'll fix it for this game and then make sure everything works in the sequel. I'll try to be more original next time with the map design and try to give every room a purpose, well not every single room like the hallways but I'll try to add something.

the maze is really difficult.
after having to restart it twice because the whole teleporting thing kept getting me lost, i decided to just hug the right wall and that worked out. still faster than trying to navigate it legitimately.

larrynachos responds:

You could almost say it's... agony.

Thanks for the review!

adjusting game speed with + and - is the most game changing feature i've ever seen in a puzzle platformer. no more struggling on the same series of pixel perfect jumps for one hour straight because you can't pull it off.

i really like the idea of seeing multiple people running around mazes. it's neat.
btw is the last maze even possible? jumpscares aside, it's literally a black screen.
how is anyone even supposed to know if they're even walking into a wall or not, much less navigate it?

edit: after looking it up i managed to get WebGL to work on chrome, and the light circle shows up. thank you for the quick answer.
though i still could do without the jumpscares every 5 seconds or so lol

larrynachos responds:

Your browser doesn't support webgl effects. There's a circle of light that's supposed to follow you around and reveal the maze to you

the scorpio and the angie medals requirement are switched (getting 10 angies gives you the scorpio medal, getting 10 scorpios gives you the angies medal);
the game itself is pretty fun

Omael responds:

Thanks. Will look into it. Check back later to unlock the missing medal

I'm sorry but the whole rotating mechanic adds nothing to the movement, outside of preventing you from jumping if you aren't perfectly upright.
On top of that, the fact that the disappearing platforms trigger regardless of which side is touched instead of when landing on them makes the entire platforming section hardly
I'll appreciate the creativity though.


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