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got fool and empress upright, and upturned chariot. sounds like "missed opportunity" to me

came back after half a year to try clearing the game, but going off of medals it seems no one has been able to do it yet, so it looks like that's not happening anytime soon lol.
leaving my current progress for future reference: https://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/c57202bf1c8924f056e503075c27fa25

there's still some issues with how some of the medals are awarded:
- i somehow got the medals for guessing 5 and 10 impossible pixels without guessing any;
- i got the "black flame" medal while trying to get the "voices from outside" medal (by hearing all barrier conversations going forward. not sure which is the actual requirement);
- i got the full clear medal from guessing a few of the impossible pixels, while my guessed count was around 150.

because i managed to get an impossible pixel on my own i somehow found the cheat sheet.
best i could do without it was 134. sorry about that.
P.S. the creator of Lag Train is called Inabakumori, not Inubakumori

level 1: https://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/deea96267599bc988fdb0cdf4a979b44
level 2: https://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/55e9fc1870a903126dc3f951ed70e15f
level 3: https://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/64b230da0dca543094a87e26877735dd
level 4: https://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/f71c1a70c7fcd87ad97b2aa612958b77
level 5: https://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/ca1de6bd4125a36d621f618f641fe64d
level 6: https://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/09bcba235fa50ef494fd34a3a93b6fb7
level 7: https://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/4c07d5124421d0e524c8195a0c386ba6
level 8: https://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/2ba30655bfaf9c2eb33aeb5d03ad1901
level 9: https://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/18d3e645bf2164b5c16e12b9a7aeb29b
level 10: https://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/c1a8283638229d726c1142aab1bc89ce
level 11: https://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/6c3341fa21e9589444c5502e30687a96
level 12: https://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/0315d81b718af3da4a9efc2847a8f456
level 13: https://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/fadc831c4fc8bb50f85ac5c157eb460f
level 14: https://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/373aa5c86ad5ebc027da3c2a49ec6bbe
level 15: https://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/0deb1f1130baa4cfb0e20a62d50305c5
level 16: https://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/30ad44156d9a590531843902084eda1a
level 17: https://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/bc90f240c175c9724312d0b3003e6a05
level 18: https://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/64adac9a5b09e494980922f27a26c879
level 19: https://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/8c53eb938fa780b3162c30bdf0a38737
level 20: https://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/bd1a7ff519e705ebd33fbb8e1b413c3f

the premise of having to find the clothes yourself is original, but there's a few bugs here and there:

- if you place the white roses on the dress before completing both sleeves, the roses disappear and you're locked out of getting the sleeves for dress 2 unless you restart the game;

- for dress 3, i had trouble getting it to register as completed although i had all correct pieces already on; for good measure i reset everything after completing each outfit, but that didn't help.

the way i managed to get it to trigger was by completing the outfit, then adding the second necklace, then removing it. after removing the necklace it triggered the completed outfit, but i have no clue why that worked. just putting it out there

Edeshye responds:

Just fixed the bugs. Thanks a lot for pointing out!!

feels like the game's been updated since last i played because levels aren't numbered anymore and the worlds have a different naming convention. seems like the minecarts wall glitchs have also been "fixed" by completely removing walls collision.

nothing much to add except the ice machanic is still atrocious, especially that one level (you know the one), where you need to climb back and forth on slippery ledges, with spikes on the back walls, while being shot down from above. it's so inconsistent.

there's also a mildly annoying thing with world 8 where torches don't respawn on death, so you basically have to clear the level without dying if you want to have a chance to see the level layout at all.

i still cannot unlock the medal for defeating the final boss, and i still have no idea why.
it triggers fine in-game, but on newgrounds it just doesn't show up

leaving this for future reference.
i was ready to give this a score of 0, until i went and got all the medals; the difference between having an absolutely dreadful experience and a somewhat bearable one is knowledge on how the game works, so i'm going to share everything i got:

things to note:
- there is no invincibility after getting hit, so running through obstacles after getting hit once is a bad idea. standing into an active hitbox will continuously deal damage, so the best way to survive is to run through obstacles while trying to stay as little time as possible into their active hitboxes.
some of them are simply unavoidable, so instead of timing them, sometimes it's just better to take into account how much health you have and tank through them, trying to stay into them as little as possible.

- you naturally recover health (VERY SLOWLY) but sometimes it's necessary to just stay put in a safe spot and heal before tackling a series of obstacles, otherwise you'll just be forced to go back to a previous checkpoint and go through them all over again.
schythe monsters deal 50 damage, rockets deal 20 damage. these are notable because a few of them are unavoidable (brick wall section) so you should be mindful of having at least enough health plus 1 before running through them. you may need to straight up stay in a safe spot for a solid few minutes just so you don't have to restart all over from a checkpoint.

- ceiling traps are tricky: when you walk under them they activate and make purple spheres fall to the ground; the individual spheres are what deal damage, and they fall at random.
after some time the traps will close and be ready to activate again.
running through while activating ceiling traps will force you to take the brunt of the damage, as you'll run into all the purple spheres that fell.
the best way to avoid damage from these is to activate them by barely walking into their range, get hit only by the spheres that fall on the side, then walk past after all the others have disappeared and before the trap closes again.
this is especially important when you'll find multiple ceiling traps in a row, and you'll need to walk past them all at once.

1. the first run should be an all-coin run. you're gonna need to explore the entire map to learn the layout, what's the most efficient way to gather all the items to progress and which roads can be completely skipped over. it's gonna be tedious and take A LOT of deaths, as some coins can only be accessed once, so if you miss the jumps you may want to die to restart from a previous checkpoint.
some parts of the game also lock you out from previous parts of the map after reaching certain checkpoints, so you may find yourself forced to restart the whole thing if you miss some coins along the way.
this took me two tries due to missing some coins and getting locked out by a checkpoint, and about 90 in-game time minutes on my second run. you're also going to need patience (and i mean A LOT), as the majority of traps are straight up BS the first few times you go through them.

2. second run should be finishing the game in under 50 minutes. after knowing the layout, and knowing that you're free to die to use checkpoints to get around the map faster, it took me about 30 minutes of in-game time, so it's fairly feasible.
it's to note that by abusing checkpoints, i also managed to clear the game "without dying" in under 50 minutes, so it really shouldn't be that difficult to get.

- the "immortal" achievement is obtained by clearing the game in a single sitting, REGARDLESS of how many times you die.
this means that as long as you don't exit out of the game and don't go back to the menu, this is the best time to get it. you're allowed to die as many times as you need, as long as you finish the game in one sitting (you can still pause the game/tab out of it, as long as it stays open)

3. last run should be to get the "no knives, no guns, no saws" medals. i'm not actually sure what's the exact requirements for these, as i did die once on the last section from bullets and i still got all three.
you should still try to avoid dying at all, as it's possible to clear the game without dying by abusing checkpoints.

- some checkpoints don't actually save your progress. when touching a red totem you should pay attention to whether the game says "game saved" or not.
after you've saved at a checkpoint, if you happen to die you can close the game, re-open it and continue from the last checkpoint that actually saved your game; you can abuse this to get at the very least up to the last section with 4 switches before the final door without dying.
since you have no time constraints, and no need to collect coins, remember to make use of the EXTREMELY SLOW regenerating to make sure you're healthy enough before tackling difficult obstacles sections.
sections that are especially difficult to get through are the brick wall one (as you'll need to go back and forth multiple times to make the bomb, without being able to teleport to a checkpoint by dying) and the section where you collect the magnet item, where you'll need to do a lot of waiting and regen to stay alive.

- as long as you manage to get to the last checkpoint with no deaths, it's probably possible to get all three medals even if you die a few times while trying to hit the switches on the last section.
you should be able to unlock them one at a time by making sure you are clearing the game while not dying from one of the three requirements, then continuing from the last checkpoint.

that's about it; good luck to any brave soul attempting these.

the last jump at the end of the cave has a closed pit, so you need to refresh if you fail that jump.
it should probably be a bottomless pit, or add a refresh button in case you end up somewhere you can't get out from

UntitledGames responds:

I forget that while creating the game,thankyou for reporting that.

love everything about this.
AP makes it so you can't just mindlessly walk everywhere, but it's also so plentiful you can basically ignore it.

you can go for a full defensive build which is fairly consistent, or the completely opposite way and rely on luck.
luck also isn't completely broken because, while it's considerably stronger than a defensive build (since you get free dodges, and skipped turns are also announced beforehand so you can somewhat play around them) sometimes you're still forced to waste AP on skips because they offset your planned-out movement, making it more balanced.

the only things i have doubts on are weapons, and gauntlets in particular.
doesn't seem like any of them offer any benefit besides extra STR, which in the end is no different than having a weapon with higher attack, except these come with negative stats as well making them overall undesirable.

also since most of your actions are movements and not attacks, their AP cost is usually negligible, which is why 0AP low attack weapons are not very good, meanwhile the mace with high, consistent damage is pretty much the best weapon.
i feel like it would be more balanced if the AP cost for attacks were doubled (0-2-4) or even tripled (although this sounds like a bit much tbh), which also gets balanced out by the fact that leveling up gives you more AP, and incidentally is currently the only way to recover AP.

i feel like this could use an explanation for controls; i somehow didn't realize you could use your mouse to stretch your tongue until i was almost done with the first chore by physically pushing trash around, which made it way more tedious than it really is.
you can easily eat the trash (unlike everything else) and spit it out directly towards trash cans, which is great and all but i very much would have liked knowing about it beforehand

also the "clown nose" design could use a rework.
it took me way too long to figure out where it was, and the only reason i did is because it looked only slightly different than everything else on the map.
i thought it was some kind of pebble or trash, so it didn't even register that it might have been the one item i was looking for.
it's also pretty difficult to get it through that narrow path without losing sight of it among the trees

level 1: up (1)

level 2: up, down (2)

level 3: right, up, left (3)

level 4: right, left, up, right, down, up, left, down, right (9)

level 5: right, down, right, up, left, up, up, right, up, left, left, up, left, down (14)

level 6: down, right, left, up (4)

level 7: up, right, up, left, right, down, right, down, left, down, down (11)

level 8: right, down, left, up, up, left, right, up, left, left, up, right, up, left, left, down, down, up, up, up (20)

level 9: right, left, down, right, up, down, left (7)

level 10: up, left, down, left, down, right, left, up, right, down, left, left, right, up, left, down, left, down, right (19)

level 11: right, up, right, left, down (5)

level 12: up, right, down, right, up, left, down, left, right, up, left, up, right, down, right, up, left, down, right, up, right, down, left, up, right, up, left, down, left, up, right, down, left, up, right, right, down (37)

level 13: left, up, right, down, left, up, left, left, down, right, down, left, up, left, up, right, down, up, right, down, right (21)

level 14: right, up, left, up, down, right, up, right, down, right, right, right, right, up, right, up, right, down, down, down, down, down, down, left, left, down, left, up, down, left, down, right, down, right, up, right, right, left, right (39)

level 15: right, right, up, down, left, left, down, down, up, right, down, left, up, up, left, up, left, down, right, down (20)


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